
About Me

Hi, I'm Tamaralynn (Tam'-uh-ruh-lin), but I also go by Tami. I grew up just outside of Los Angeles, CA, but I have lived in New England since July of 2017.

My hobbies include:


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Succulents Pattern Project

I am a description of a project. These are the projects I have done so far. I will do more soon.

Pink Water Marbling Water Project

I am a description of a project. These are the projects I have done so far. I will do more soon.

Cement Pattern Cement Project

I am a description of a project. These are the projects I have done so far. I will do more soon.

Building Windows Windows Project

I am a description of a project. These are the projects I have done so far. I will do more soon.

Terra Cotta Tiles Shingles Project

I am a description of a project. These are the projects I have done so far. I will do more soon.